Friday, July 12, 2013

This is my very first blog so I don't know what I'm doing but I do know I will figure it out. Today I wanted to talk about Face and Body painting at festivals and childrens imaginations.

One of the best things about face painting kids is the reaction I get when I am done creating what they asked for and have transformed her/him into a super hero or maybe a princess. Children have such wonderful imaginations, I wish more parents would open up their world to allow those imaginations to flourish. Once I am done painting a face, many times that child becomes whomever it is I have painted on their face. Maybe a cat or dog and they will go around barking and meowing or maybe Spiderman will save the world by throwing webs! One thing for certain, at that point in time no television, computer or arcade game can replace the imagination these children naturally have.

Parents, do your children a favor and encourage the use of their imaginations. It's so vital for their development and to better understand reality. I've been doing my part but I need you to do yours. Children are God's gifts.. bless every single one of them. I can help by coming out and painting your kids at parties, just check me out at or give me a call 727-565-3502. I look forward to hearing from you! - JoAnna